More About Me

I was raised in Arizona, went to college in Hawaii, met my husband in New Zealand and started a family in San Diego. We then spent six years in Seattle and have now circled back home to Arizona.

Being a mother is, and always will be, my greatest joy and priority. In addition to that, I wanted my girls to see me pursue a passion, work hard and grow a business. Juggling both can be tricky at times, but I’m so extremely thankful for every second I get to spend with my kids and for every photoshoot I get to be a part of.

In between it all, I love to play volleyball with old friends and eat good food. Traveling is something I prioritize and we tend to gravitate towards the beach, any beach. I’m deeply passionate about the environment and try really hard to instill that same passion in my kids. Native histories and cultures fascinate me. I’ve read more books on Native Americans than any other subject combined. One of my favorites is “Trail of Tears.”

Photography has been an interest of mine since high school when my mom gifted me one of her old film cameras. I was pretty much obsessed from there and all of my elective courses were photography based. I aim to capture my subjects in the most candid and natural ways possible. My editing lends itself to this same concept- I DO NOT and WILL NOT overly edit. I’m of the mindset to get it 90% right in camera and the editing applies those magical 10% final touches.

Thanks for being here and thanks for reading!