Gilbert Newborn Photography

To any new visitors- welcome! I am a newborn photographer, based in Phoenix Arizona. I have been taking newborn photos for the last five years and am here to give you my 5 best tips to make the most of your newborn photography experience. This is an in-home newborn photoshoot that I did in Gilbert, Arizona with the beautiful baby Sally and her family.

Tip 1:

Timing is everything. From my experience as a newborn photographer, the sooner you can get newborn photos scheduled after you have the baby, the better. That is not to say that there is a right, or wrong time- only that to truly capture the newborn essence, you’ll want to get them done when the baby is still teeny tiny. I recommend booking a newborn photographer within the first two weeks of birth. A lot of newborn photographers fill up quickly so don’t wait until after the baby is born to book. Rather, try to search, “newborn photographer near me” around 7 months along. That will give you time to look through photographer websites, profiles and have time to contact them for availability and get pricing. Having it booked in advance relieves a lot of stress and allows you to find the newborn photographer near you that meets your aesthetic.

Tip 2:

A lot of other newborn photographers recommend feeding your baby right before the photoshoot. I disagree and here’s why- feedings are such a HUGE part of infancy! We want to capture those memories. Breastfeeding photos (if you’re comfortable) are some of my absolute favorite experiences. If you aren’t breastfeeding, having a sibling, or dad give the baby a bottle at the beginning of the newborn photoshoot has such an impact on the story of your photos. Typically after a feed, the babies will be content the remainder of the shoot.

mother and daughters breastfeeding
mother breastfeeding her baby

Tip 3:

Include the whole family. During a newborn photoshoot, we will definitely focus on the baby and capture all the beautiful details, but it’s also an excellent opportunity to capture the whole family. Newborn photography isn’t so much about photos of only the baby, in my opinion. I like to use it as a chance to tell the story of your family and show the unfolding. It’s a beautiful time to take photos of the older siblings, parents in the midst of a newborn baby bubble and the joy of a growing family.

Tip 4:

Pay attention to lighting. I always tell my clients that there is no such thing as a “bad house” for newborn photos. That’s not real. Even if you don’t love every aspect of your home, or wish certain things were different, aesthetically specking, a great newborn photographer can make any environment look flattering. An experienced newborn photographer will also pay attention to light and gravitate towards light sources. I always ask my clients to pay attention to when the best light comes into their home a couple weeks before the shoot so we can optimize the best light. My photography aesthetic is warm and moody- give me all the gorgeous shadows, backlighting and direct sun I can get!

Tip 5:

Make it easy. Newborn photography should not be stressful. Let your kiddos have snacks. Take breaks when needed. Enjoy this time with your partner and take deep breaths. Let your newborn photoshoot reflect real life and it will mean so much more down the road. It’s ok if everyone isn’t smiling perfectly, looking straight into the camera. Pictures, like people, should not be perfect. Unpopular opinion perhaps, but I don’t care because I mean it. Life is not perfect- enjoy every second!

Thanks for reading!



Newborn photography
mother holding her newborn baby

Outdoor Family Photos