Alice In-Home Birth

Oh Calli, I’m bawling over here. These are the most special pictures I’ve ever seen. Seriously. I honestly didn’t expect to love them so much. You are such a talent, thank you to the moon. My heart is bursting.

This momma right here is one of my dearest friends. When she asked me to photograph the birth, I was honored. It was my first in-home session and I remember feeling such peace in their home. My friend was a true inspiration throughout the process. With the support of her husband, she rallied through a natural birth like I had never seen. So much grace, determination and strength. I’ll never forget it.

Baby Alice was born in the beautiful early morning sun. Her big sister slept through the whole thing. People often ask if their home doesn’t have a certain aesthetic, can we still photograph an in-home birth? Absolutely! I like to remind clients that the focus is centered around the birth, but the touch of home makes all the photos a bit more personal. When you look back you’ll know this was the house your baby grew up in. Where so many memories were made. Bonus because house pets often get involved, like this one where the sweetest tabby cat around kept me company the whole time.

If you’re thinking of doing an in-home birth, my advice is to be clear about expectations, be confident in your choice and build yourself a support team that will shoulder your goals. The beauty of any birth story is that we get to welcome another beautiful life into this world.


Johnson Family


Rasmussen Family Photos